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Outreach motivates us to grow stronger, go deeper, and produces fruit that must be cultivated.  These are three core areas that help us develop in our discipleship process.

At Lord of Life, Outreach Ministry exist to partner Lord of Life congregants with the families of our Early Education Center  and the community of Leawood to bring the gospel to life.  Outreach is an area that we must rely on the work of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives to connect with those in our community.  

While this is a daily practice in our own spiritual formation, Lord of Life hosts a few large scale outreach events throughout the year in order to connect with the families of the EEC and our local community.


Father/Daughter Dance in February

Mother/Son Game Night in the Spring

The Great Egg Hunt & Easter Jam

Trunk or Treat Harvest Party

Neighborhood Outreach


If you are feeling called to be a part of this team or would like to get more information on these events, contact Josh Keithley for more information.


“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem (local), and in all Judea and Samaria (national), and to the ends of the earth (international).”  Acts 1:8 

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We partner with local organizations to reach the lost and destitute through a variety regular volunteer opportunities and donations for all ages.

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Exist to extend a helping hand through week long mission opportunities regionally and throughout the United States through light construction, donations, disaster relief and more.

Planet Made of Plastic


Lord of Life has a long history of international ministry including Haiti and West Africa.  As we pray about God’s next steps, we are looking at new partnerships in Costa Rica.   

If you have questions or want to get involved with Missions either locally or globally, contact Josh Keithley via our Contact Form!
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3105 W 135th St, Leawood KS 66224
913 - 681 - 5167
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